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BI-MOB cerca talenti

We are looking for talents

“The things don’t happen by chance, but only when someone makes them happen”

James A. Garfield

This quote prompts us to reflect:

Is it time to wait for someone to make things happen in our favor, or is it more empowering to take control of our own destiny?

We at BI-MOB srl firmly believe in the second option. We are an innovative startup based in Villa San Giovanni (RC), focused on the research and development of advanced technologies for B2B goods mobility. Our project is revolutionary, and to bring it to fruition, we are seeking talents who want to make a difference.

We are on the lookout for talents:

motivated, creative individuals eager to actively contribute to our project.

  • Customer Service/Sales Representatives
  • Project Managers
  • Marketing Experts
  • Business Developers

If you resonate with our values and want to be part of the change, send us your resume and a motivational letter to immediately.

Don’t let indifference and pessimism guide our future.

Join us in making things happen, contributing to real and virtuous development, both for yourself, our company, and our community. Together, we can make a difference.

Invia ora il tuo CV e la lettera motivazionale